Here's the crew taking a break before fixing the problem.
The girls on the foredeck getting a head start on the Caribbean tan!
On the way in, we had three fishing lines out and we caught three lovely Mahi Mahi. So the first night in the anchorage of Mindelo, we had wonderful fresh fish on the b'que.
We're only here for the beer! Relaxing in one of the local bars in the high street.
Very little wind out there and we have been doing a lot of motoring, so we shall have to stop in the Cape Verde islands to take on fuel.

The wind should be kicking in on about Tuesday and so we shall spend a few days here waiting for the Trade winds.
It is now the 21st of December and we've just checked out and are ready to leave for Barbados. It looks at though we may have Christmas and New Years at sea, so season's greetings to everyone, have a glass of bubbles for me.