Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cuba 2

Driving around the countryside, and loving the scenery.

Stopped to chat with the sugar cane harvesters and sample their produce.  It is cut each year and the re-seeds itself for the next year.
A typical farmer's cottage.  They make some wonderful fences out of cacti and trim  them to size, very ingenious.     
The courtyard inside one of the beautiful old houses in Havana                                                                                    
And of course all the old cars in Havana, here's a whole row of them, a taxi line. waiting for the tourists to come ashore from the cruise ship.
Trinidad, one of the must see old towns in Cuba.  Very pretty, but full of visitors and noise and dirt.  We stayed a day and then high tailed it back to the civilisation of the city!
In Havana there is a huge renovation project underway and in one of the squares each reformed building had a sign showing old and new.  It will all be beautiful when they are finished.
We stayed in a 'casa particular' in a suburb of Havana called Vedado.  The family was wonderful and we usually had a drink with them in the evenings, excellent Mojitos.
And last of all, it was hard to miss the face of 'Che Guevara' on so many of the walls all over Cuba and signs supporting the revolution everywhere.
A great place to visit with so much history and culture to absorb, have bought a book on the history and will try and educate myself!

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