Friday, January 18, 2013

Only in America

(Better late than never!  Struggling to get internet in the islands is my excuse, but laziness is the real problem!)

Finally ready to leave the States. On returning to the boat in October we found that we had had some sort of lighting strike. As usual it took longer to repair than thought, but good old Pantaenius paid out and we left Cape Canaveral with a couple of new radios and the fried relay boards back in working order.
It was the 13th of December, about a month later than we thought and exactly 6 months after we arrived.  Definitely too long in one port, but one the plus side, have met some great new friends too. 

Lisa and Dane arrived on the 2nd of November and unfortunately had to hang around for us to be ship shape again.  Very stressful for all, and good to be moving again.

Below are just of the things that amused me whilst here.

Seen outside Vinnie's Cafe. Don't know what Vinnie was thinking?

Only in the States do you see abandoned boats anchored out in the bays. It is said that the owners can't afford to run them anymore and just leave them.  

Mr Travis's store is probably the most well stocked hardware store we've ever seen. 

Too many boats for the marina, so they are stacked in huge sheds which take up less space.

Halloween is a big deal here and pumpkin sellers do very well at this time of year.

Fuel economy, whats that?

Seen in Orlando.

This company specializes in removing dog poo.