Saturday, October 22, 2016


Finally we are on the move again.  We cruised down the coast to Port Canaveral, where we caught up with good friends at the yacht club.  Then on to West Palm Beach and then across to The Bahamas.

We checked in at West End, but soon realised that we were in the middle of the hurricane season and there were a couple of systems forming in the Atlantic.  So we decided to head for shelter at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club, stay there for a month and then haul the boat at Freeport and head home to New Zealand for a break off the boat, see the kids etc.
No Rehearsal on the quay at The Grand Bahama Yacht Club

So, we would work in the mornings and then after lunch head to the lovely pool for a couple of hours.  There were not too many boats on the dock and so we usually had the luxury of having the pool to ourselves, what luxury!

I am getting quite good at growing Basil, maybe I do have green fingers after all, I just need to remember to water them!

 Then, we had heard that there was some heavy weather due and we decided to put some more mooring lines on.  Daryl was in the dingy sorting out extra lines, when there was a huge bolt of lightening, the noise was horrendous and the water seemed to fizz around us.
By now it was raining heavily and we sheltered inside, when it stopped we noticed quite a bit of debris on the deck that used to live at the top of the mast, so it must have been a direct hit to the top.
These do not belong on the cockpit table!

More about this in the next blog...............................

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Finally, after about a year out of the water, and a major refit, we are ready to launch.  We have two new Yanmar engines, a new Northern Lights generator, a new Spectra water maker, a bigger washing machine, lots of new canvas work, new anchor chain.........
An expensive year, but the boat is looking great and we shall be ready for the long trip next year.
Fitting the rudders.
Here we go!  On the trailer and ready to be launched again.                                                                                                
And I thought that we had been out of the water for a long time, but this poor boat definitely takes the prize!               
Daryl putting the new lines on the boat, very smart.                                                                                                            
Retail therapy.
Yes matching yellow fleeces to  go with the boat,  and they were on sale, can't imagine why!

Lazy, not me!

I know it has been ages since I last wrote anything, and it is.  But we have been working hard on the boat and here are some photos of the things we have been working on.
Sewing new leather on the anchor to stop chaff.
Stripped the interior paint off the dingy, it's looking really smart now and much more practical.                                             
Taking the old lines off the boat, ready to clean and polish the hull. Trying to work in the shady side of the boat when possible.
Polishing the hull, just look behind Daryl, the master polisher at the wonderful shine on the hull.  

So, sadly, whilst we were busy working away in Florida, my mother's health started to deteriorate in Malta.  I flew back to see her at the beginning of April for a couple of weeks and had some good moments with her, but it was obvious that she was fading.  She passed at the end of April, and I flew back again to be with my sister for the funeral.  I was lucky that we were in Florida and I was able to catch the flight the very next morning.
My sister and I are now closer than ever, and we have laughed and cried together over the last few months, she has taken  such good care of Mum over the last few years, which I really appreciate.                                                     

Sunday, March 6, 2016

NZ 2

The family photo!  Complete with family dog!

Coming home one evening in the dark and the rain, we were hit by a German couple in a Maui camper van, who got confused which side of the road they should be driving on.  The poor Toyota was written off, Daryl ended up in hospital with a large gash on his neck, and our friend and driver, Jan Marie also needed attention for shock.  But, hey, we are all good now and it all could have been a lot worse.
Honey and I both looked forward to our early morning walks together,  she was learning to come when called,
and I could let her off the lead to run around and explore.
Daryl and Victor, our architect are working on the plans for our house.                                                                  

So at the beginning of February we headed to Sydney to have a couple of days with Daryl's daughter and then headed back to the boat in Florida.

Home in New Zealand for six months

I have been rather lazy in the last few months, but here is an update for those of you who are still interested in what we are up to.
I got back to New Zealand in August last year, after visiting my family in Malta.  Daryl and Jay did some more work on the boat and then made their way home, stopping in Cambodia for a break on the way.  I had arranged a birthday party for Daryl's 70th, and when they missed a flight,  they only just made it home in time for it!
Back to Kerikeri and the wonderful scenery.  Just a short walk from the house in the famous Stone Store.
The garden looked a bit wintery when we arrived, but soon everything started to blossom, like these roses.                
One day, Daryl had the bright idea of fostering a dog temporarily from the SPCA,  so we went along to see the selection there.  We decided that we could do the most good by choosing the dog that needed us most, and here is a picture of 'Honey' when we first saw her.
She was scared of her own shadow, but we reckoned we lots of love, attention and some training, she would make a wonderful family dog.