Sunday, March 6, 2016

NZ 2

The family photo!  Complete with family dog!

Coming home one evening in the dark and the rain, we were hit by a German couple in a Maui camper van, who got confused which side of the road they should be driving on.  The poor Toyota was written off, Daryl ended up in hospital with a large gash on his neck, and our friend and driver, Jan Marie also needed attention for shock.  But, hey, we are all good now and it all could have been a lot worse.
Honey and I both looked forward to our early morning walks together,  she was learning to come when called,
and I could let her off the lead to run around and explore.
Daryl and Victor, our architect are working on the plans for our house.                                                                  

So at the beginning of February we headed to Sydney to have a couple of days with Daryl's daughter and then headed back to the boat in Florida.

Home in New Zealand for six months

I have been rather lazy in the last few months, but here is an update for those of you who are still interested in what we are up to.
I got back to New Zealand in August last year, after visiting my family in Malta.  Daryl and Jay did some more work on the boat and then made their way home, stopping in Cambodia for a break on the way.  I had arranged a birthday party for Daryl's 70th, and when they missed a flight,  they only just made it home in time for it!
Back to Kerikeri and the wonderful scenery.  Just a short walk from the house in the famous Stone Store.
The garden looked a bit wintery when we arrived, but soon everything started to blossom, like these roses.                
One day, Daryl had the bright idea of fostering a dog temporarily from the SPCA,  so we went along to see the selection there.  We decided that we could do the most good by choosing the dog that needed us most, and here is a picture of 'Honey' when we first saw her.
She was scared of her own shadow, but we reckoned we lots of love, attention and some training, she would make a wonderful family dog.